Thursday, February 11, 2010


I thought it might be fun to start a "chore chart" for Addison this week.... was a very simple design-- 7 days and 4 chores per day. The chores weren't very interesting ones (change your underwear, brush your teeth, brush your hair and make your bed)..... so day 1 she completed all the chores very excitedly. That night before bed she changed her underwear about 20 times hoping she could get more stickers on the chart. I told her that once all the squares had stickers (7 days) that we'd bring her out to the local ice cream store. So day 2 she excitedly got up and got things done. At nap time she got the chart down, and put stickers in ALL the remaining squares and then VERY seriously wants to know if it's time to go get ice cream. I told her no, and that I must not have explained it very well and she said "dad will have to explain it, he has a better voice anyway."

1 comment:

Mark and Megan said...

what a literal!