Saturday, May 2, 2009


Sorry for the gruesome title on this one-- but it's all I can smell and think about right now......

The last two days have been DISASTERS here-- and I'm not sure why. Addison had 2 accidents yesterday-- one on the couch and one on the living room floor.... not like her at all. Today was going a little better, except at naptime choked (really) on some candy-- Matt got it out, she threw up on her floor a little, but then napped 3 hours (a RARE thing these days). I finally went in and woke her up cause she was sleeping too long.

We had an enjoyable evening..... well, earlier in the day went out to lunch at the Pizzeria-- Levi pooped up to his shoulder blades there.... and pooped 2 more times throughout the day. I assume he's teething.

Now onto today. It was going better after nap time.... we played Candy Land (bought it at a garage sale today)-- Addison beat me twice. Tried to play with our train set, but Levi takes it apart as fast as we put it together..... SO-- after supper Addison got ready for a bath (while in the kitchen)-- I told her to run to the bathroom and go potty..... off she went-- then yelled that she had an accident-- right in front of the toilet she went.... so, cleaned up that mess while the kids were in the bath.

Got Levi's pj's on and we were watching "ding-ding"(wheel of fortune)..... she was cooking in her room-- telling me it's where she works-- and Levi too. She said that tonight Levi was a princess and she was a cook. Okay, whatever. She shut her door and me & Levi were watching Wheel of Fortune. Finally I'm curious what she's been doing in there for more than 5 minutes without talking-- I open her door and there is poop EVERYWHERE.... she had it on the carpet, the walls, her kitchen set, the rocking chair, the stool and the dresser......... she has NEVER done this before. No, I didn't take pictures-- I couldn't bear to. So now, after an hour of scrubbing poop out of everything she's quiet in bed and I'm still grossed out. GRR.... Can't wait till Matt's off work again!!!! We have a date for Monday-- it's his birthday-- so hopefully I'll feel a little more sane and human like again after that. We'll see though.....

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