Friday, November 16, 2012


Levi was excited when I picked him up from school today.  He told me he found himself a friend today. 

When I asked about it on the way home he was explaining that during stations he and Ethan K. were working together and doing some number or letter puzzle.  Ethan had done it all himself but then Ms Donahue suggested that Levi get a try-- and Ethan let him do one.  So Levi asked Ethan "Do you want to be friends?"  and Ethan said yes!!! 

Next Levi told me when they sat on the floor Levi sat next to Ethan-- and then Levi asked him "Can we be friends forever?" and Ethan said yes to that too.  So, they will be friends forever. 

He also found a friend at recess today, but he doesn't know her name (she's not in Ms Donahue's room).  So since he has these 2 friends if he's pretending to be a monster, he won't scare those two friends. Only the other people.  :)

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